Current 2020 Situation Pricing Options

In keeping with the world we live in now, and so no one will miss out I’m offering my pregnancy e-course to everybody for half price with the sliding scale down to $50 and a payment plan. And if you can afford the full amount that would be gratefully accepted.

You have 12 months of access to this course. 

All content is downloadable so you can use it any time.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2


    • Healing from Previous Traumatic Birth Experiences

    • Overview

    • Gather Before You Begin...

    • Video from Jane

    • Goddess

    • Goddess (continued)

    • Reading Material

    • Questions

    • Create

    • Guide to Shamanic Journeying

    • Guided Drum Journey

    • Ritual

    • Review

    • Further Reading

    • Resources

About Jane

I see myself as an Agent of the Goddess, a Priestess at the altars of transformation. 

I carry 3 lineages.
Home birth Midwifery -  ancient wise woman practices passed down the generations that I learned from Maggie Lecky Thompson (Australia).
EarthSong (Boulder, Colorado, USA) Shamanic Teachings and Practices - that I learned from James Harvey (AKA BlackBear) and Cedar Barstow.
Shamanic Midwifery - the teachings and insights of the Late Jeannine Parvati Baker (USA).
I am a post menopausal mother and grandmother. I was an intensive care and operating theatre nurse, and a homebirth midwife for 30 years. Now my work focuses on teaching the Women’s Mysteries and writing about them. I give workshops on mother and daughter preparation for menstruation, the spiritual practice of menstruation, and the sacred and shamanic dimensions of pregnancy, birth and menopause. I founded and run The School of Shamanic Womancraft, an international Women’s Mystery School.